Research & Policy
As America’s first research university, Johns Hopkins has forged a renowned reputation for nearly 150 years with pioneering discoveries across multiple disciplines that have improved lives around the world. The Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg Center serves as a nexus for connecting that interdisciplinary expertise with D.C. policymakers striving for transformative change.

Johns Hopkins has a stellar history of transforming public dollars into public benefits. It is no accident that the university continually receives the most federal funding of any institution of higher education. From purifying city drinking water in the early 20th Century to exploring for water on distant moons in the 21st; From gazing into the origins of all life across space to peering into the subatomic building blocks of human life; From fending off death by devising groundbreaking medical techniques like CPR to combatting a deadly pandemic by tracking the spread of COVID-19.
Artificial Intelligence
Johns Hopkins experts work to ensure that the research and development of the rapidly evolving technology progresses ethically so that governments can formulate policies that advance the best interests of humanity.
Coronavirus Resource Center
This pioneering pandemic tracking and analysis website informed the world of COVID-19’s spread with interdisciplinary vigor.
Opioid Epidemic
Johns Hopkins experts continually collaborate with local, state and federal officials to identify and deploy the best evidence-based policies to support effective treatment, harm reduction, and anti-overdose strategies.
Space Exploration
From defending Earth against asteroids to exploring the sun, the planets, and the stars, Johns Hopkins has been a vital partner for decades in helping NASA achieve its space exploration missions.
Nexus Awards
A new university-wide funding program supports research, teaching, and convening efforts across multiple disciplines.
Featured Research
Alumni Changemakers
The Johns Hopkins Changemakers profile is a monthly feature spotlighting the impact of Johns Hopkins alumni in positions of influence in Washington, D.C., policymaking circles.
Read the seriesHopkins on The Hill
The Johns Hopkins Office of Federal Strategy hosts Hopkins on the Hill as a biennial showcase of the range, value, and impact of federally-funded research and programming at Johns Hopkins University.
Research at Johns Hopkins
Researchers at our nine academic divisions and at the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory have made us the nation’s leader in federal research and development funding each year since 1979.
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